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The Iron Traitor Page 7
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Page 7
I turned the key and didn’t say anything. I recognized that anger, the veiled hurt in Kenzie’s voice. Thinking that someone you loved had abandoned you, that they didn’t care anymore. . . I knew that feeling all too well.
I took her to a nice restaurant, nothing fancy but not fast food, either, and we sat in a booth and ate and talked about normal, real-world things: school and teachers and classmates, deliberately keeping words like faeries and the Nevernever out of the conversation. I learned that there was a rumor about me circulating the school, that I had met Brian Kingston in the parking lot and kicked the ever-loving crap out of him. Great. That was going to do wonders for my record, not to mention my reputation. And knowing Kingston, he would take the rumor very personally and be looking to even the score. At least Kenzie seemed amused by it, stating that some of the girls now viewed me as the dangerous bad boy to tame. In fact, Chelsea had called her house earlier that day to ask if she would bring me to a party that weekend.
“So I ‘beat up’ the quarterback, and now people want to go out with me?” I asked in disbelief, watching Kenzie finish the last of the chocolate brownie we’d split for dessert. “What is wrong with girls? Tame me? Like I’m some kind of wild horse?”
Kenzie giggled. “Must be that bad-boy allure,” she said, putting down her spoon. “You know, they see you as a dangerous, broken mystery man. They want to be the one to fix you. ”
“Yeah, well. My problems are too big for anyone to ‘fix. ’” I handed the waitress a couple twenties when she dropped off the check. “And any one of those girls would run away screaming if they saw what I have to live with every day. ”
Kenzie nodded sympathetically, and I realized I’d strayed back into “un-normal” territory. Reaching across the table, I took her hands. “Besides, they’ll be wasting their time,” I said, running my thumb across her fingers. “I’m taken. ”
And apparently turning into a big sap. But I didn’t care. Kenzie’s brilliant smile made it all worth it.
* * *
We went to the movies, and I sat with Kenzie in the back row, feeling her head on my shoulder and trying desperately to behave myself. I wasn’t a prude; I knew what the back-row theater seats were for, but this was also our very first date. Not only that, this was my very first date with someone I actually wanted to be with; I did not want to push too far and screw everything up.
So I forced myself to be content with my arm around her shoulders and her slender hand on my knee, even though it was driving me crazy. When the credits rolled, it was all I could do to stand up and follow the rest of the crowd out of the theater.
In the parking lot, I couldn’t take it anymore. When Kenzie walked to her side of the truck, I snagged her around the waist, pulling her against me. She didn’t resist, allowing herself to be drawn close, pressing her body to mine. Leaning against the hood, I tangled my fingers in her silky hair, and her arms looped around my neck as she gazed up at me. My heart pounded. I was still finding it hard to believe that this beautiful girl was mine. What could I offer her, really? Tonight was the most normal evening I’d had in a long time, but it couldn’t last forever. Sooner or later, They would find me again.
“You look worried, tough guy. ” Her fingertips brushed the nape of my neck, making me shiver. “You’ve gone all frowny and serious. What’s up? Are you regretting this already?”
I blinked and unfurrowed my brow, gazing down at her. “No,” I said, easing the concern in her eyes. “Honestly, if anyone should regret this, it’s you. ” She tilted her head in confusion, and I sighed. “You know that normal isn’t. . . normal for me, right?”
Kenzie grinned. “I’m counting on it. ”
“Mackenzie, I’m serious. ”
“I know. ”
“This isn’t a game. As long as you hang around me, your life is going to be really screwed up. ”
Her cool fingers touched my lips, silencing me. “Do you trust me, Ethan?”
More than anyone. “Yes. ”
“Then believe that I want to be here, with you. Not because of Them, not because I have the Sight or because I’m sick or anything like that. I’m here because. . . ” She faltered, and I held my breath. “Because you make me feel like nothing in my life is wrong. Because you treat me like a real person, and I need that right now. ”
I swallowed. “Is that the only reason?”
She colored slightly, but her lips quirked up. “Oh, fine. And because you’re pretty cute, too. ”
Well, what had I been expecting? This was still really new, for both of us. “Cute?” I narrowed my eyes. “Kittens are cute. Baby goats are cute. I’m the dangerous wild beast that needs to be tamed, remember?”
“Good thing I’m up to the challenge, then. ” Kenzie didn’t miss a beat. “I knew those dog-training classes would come in handy for something. ”
I chuckled, shaking my head in defeat, and pulled her closer. “Kiss me,” I told her. And she did, raising herself up on tiptoe to brush her lips to mine. I closed my eyes, forgetting the fey, the Sight, the Nevernever, everything about Them for the moment, and lost myself in her.
“Oh, my God!”
Kenzie pulled back, and we both turned our heads toward the shrill, shocked voice. A group of teenagers stood a few yards away, gaping at us over the pavement. I recognized Kenzie’s blonde friend, Regan, another cheerleader whose name escaped me and the Football Gorilla King himself, Brian Kingston. Who looked like he was about to burst a blood vessel. If he’d hated me before, he was homicidal now. Our little scuffle in the parking lot hadn’t cooled him off any; he was ready for round two. Another broad-shouldered jock type stood in the crowd behind him, but I’d never seen him before. Still, if Kingston decided to take me out here and now, he would gladly join in.
Hell with it.
I smirked and kept my arms firmly around Kenzie’s waist. Kenzie, it seemed, didn’t have any intention of moving, either. “Hey,” she said, smiling at the group of stunned teens, her arm draped casually around my neck. “What are you guys up to?”
“Kenzie,” the other cheerleader stammered, her eyes wide and blinking. “I heard you were out of the hospital, but. . . ” Her gaze flicked to me and away again just as fast, like she was afraid of letting it linger. “You’re. . . with him now?”
Kenzie shrugged. “Looks that way. ”
“The dick that dragged you up to New York without telling anyone about it?” Kingston added, taking a threatening step forward. I tensed as he moved closer, bolstered by his friend and the wide-eyed cheerleader audience. “The piece of shit that put you in the hospital?”
“Hey!” Kenzie turned and stepped out of my arms to face the quarterback, blocking his path to me. He blinked and stumbled to a halt as she glared up at him. “Back off, Brian. This is my decision. And you’d better not give him a hard time at school, or I’m going to be very pissed at you. ”
Kingston stared at me over her head, his lips curled in a sneer. “So, you gonna hide behind the girl from now on, freak? Let her fight your battles for you?”
I pushed myself off the hood, making the quarterback stiffen. Anger made my lungs burn, and I breathed slowly to cool off. Kingston stood tall, chest puffed out, daring me to step forward. Knocking his ass to the ground wasn’t enough, it seemed. He wanted a real fight, with fists and blows and broken jaws, and I was about ready to oblige him. Let him know that this dangerous reputation of mine wasn’t just lip service. I’d taken kali for years. I’d fought things a thousand times nastier than him and his thugs.
I’d killed before. Taken my sword and driven it through a faery’s chest, watched it writhe away into nothingness. Not the same as killing a human, but I had taken another creature’s life, and that sort of thing changes you forever.
It would be so easy; we weren’t at school this time, the parking lot was dark and mostly deserted. No one would stop me if I shoved Brian Kingston’s face in
to the pavement and stomped on it. Maybe then he’d finally leave me alone.
But that would just be another black mark on my record. If I put Kingston in the hospital, I could be expelled. My parents would be unhappy, my kali instructor would be unhappy. . . and Kenzie would be unhappy. And at this moment, her opinion meant more to me than showing some jock the business end of my fists.
“Let’s get out of here,” I told her instead.
She glared at Brian a moment longer, then nodded. “Yeah,” she agreed, backing away. “It’s gotten a little stupid here for my taste. ”
He gave her a wounded look as she walked toward the passenger side of my truck. “Mac, come on. I’m just looking out for you. You can’t be serious about this loser. ”
She slammed the door and rolled down the window as I slid into the driver’s seat. “It’s none of your business, Brian,” she said as I turned the key and the truck growled to life.
“He’s just using you, Mac! You know that, right?”
She glared fiercely as we cruised past. The girls still stared at us wide-eyed, but the quarterback followed the truck for a few steps, and Kenzie poked her head out the window. “Yeah, well, at least he doesn’t call me Mac when I ask him not to!” she snapped in return and rolled up the window, ignoring his protests. I stomped on the pedal and squealed out of the parking lot, leaving him standing in a cloud of black smoke and exhaust.
My hands were shaking. I gripped the steering wheel and glared at the road, trying to calm down. I was aware of Kenzie watching me, and humiliation flared up to join the anger. I should’ve said something, anything. I should’ve stood up for myself, or at least for my girlfriend. Instead, I’d let the football jock talk to Kenzie like he had and walked away like a wimp.
“You did good, tough guy,” Kenzie said softly, surprising me. I glanced at her, and she offered a wry grin. “Don’t worry, I know that you’re a badass. You don’t have to prove anything to me. I do realize you could’ve punched the teeth out of Brian’s stupid head if you wanted to. If he saw even half the things we have, he would pee his pants. ”